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If you’re considering relocating, purchasing or improving property, performing energy upgrades or investing in equipment or recruitment and training, contact us first. We can help you save money!

  • Government incentives are available to industrial businesses and manufacturers to lower the cost of doing business in NYC but you must apply for these incentives before signing a lease, purchasing property or machinery, pulling a building permit, performing energy upgrades, and hiring or training employees.

  • The BOC industrial team assists your business in accessing a wide variety of programs and incentives. We are dedicated to providing your businesses with quick and concise information on incentives, identifying and interpreting the value of incentive programs and answering questions about program benefits, eligibility, and requirements. We also inform your business on how you can combine programs to maximize the benefits.


The BOC industrial team delivers quality financing assistance to a broad range of industrial businesses.  Our services include financial needs assessment, identifying capital sources, pre-loan technical assistance, loan packaging, and financial management assistance. 

  • As a result, Bke has facilitated financing for business retention, relocation (within New York City), expansion, machinery and equipment purchase, cash flow, mobilization, and real estate through both conventional lenders and alternative sources. Boc Industrial has close working relationships with major commercial banks, community banks, credit unions, government-backed loan programs and non-profit lenders. 


The BOC industrial team works with real estate brokers and referral sources to assist your business to relocate to or within New York City.

  • We can assist your business in evaluating a space and provide references to real estate lawyers that can review leases and contracts. We can help you take advantage of every program designed to help offset the cost of a move. Ask us about programs such as REAP, the IBZ Relocation Tax Credit and NYC IDA incentives and financing.


BOC Industrial team provides your business with government regulations guidance and violations support, facilitates issues involving a license or permit, resolves service delivery issues or disruptions, and assists in situations involving a disruption in the operations of your facility.

  • By working with city and state agencies and leveraging our relationships with local Community Boards, City Council Members, and the Mayor’s Office, Bke assists your business through the bureaucratic process and helps to resolve issues.

  • BOC Industrial team conducts regular district maintenance tours and reports dangerous street conditions. We facilitate the repair of these conditions through our connections with City Agencies such as the Department of Transportation and the Department of Environmental Protection and our relationship with community boards and City Council Members, and the Mayor’s Office.



We can help you find and cultivate the right talent – for free. We have relationships with a full variety of workforce and business development service providers - as part of NYC Business Solutions, we represent the Industrial and Transportation Center - educational institutions, and community-based organizations. We’ll not only save you money but also time, by helping you hire the right employees. Whether you have a staff of 5 or 500, we can help you find the right fit.


BOC Industrial team helps your business to access professional training services that develop the skills of your workers and promote career advancement, resulting in a higher quality of life for your employees. The BOC Industrial Team can help you to identify and afford training programs that can reduce turnover and increase productivity, thereby lowering the cost of doing business in New York City. 


BOC Industrial team conducts networking events and workshops to provide industrial businesses the opportunity to exchange ideas with other businesses, real estate experts, financial service representatives, energy consultants, city agencies, local representatives, and more.

  • Businesses also learn from our guest speakers about how to maximize their competitive advantage and how local issues and government policies may affect their business.  In addition, BOC Industrial team publishes a monthly email newsletter highlighting new programs, business opportunities, services, and upcoming events.  Businesses depend on our real-time alerts via email and social media to disseminate emergency information, impending events, and infrastructure projects such as bridge closures and resurfacing projects.

Contact us.

Whether you are looking for business-related services or just want to say hello, we are here to listen.  Simply fill out the form below or call us at 718-576-2282